Title: How to be a Good Person

: Article content: The world can be a tough place and it’s easy to get caught up in our own lives and problems. But, being a good person can make a difference in the world. Here are some ways you can be a good person:1. Be kind. This one is pretty self-explanatory. Showing kindness to others can make their day and make the world a little bit brighter.2. Be patient. Again, this one is pretty self-explanatory. We all get frustrated with people and situations, but being patient can diffuse a situation and help everyone involved.3. Be helpful. If you see someone struggling, offer to help. It could be something as simple as carrying a heavy box for them or giving them directions.4. Be grateful. Be thankful for what you have and try to spread that gratitude to others. When you’re feeling down, remembering what you’re grateful for can help you turn that frown upside down.5. Be forgiving. We all make mistakes and it’s important to forgive others when they wrong us. Not only does it make you feel better, but it can also help repair damaged relationships.Being a good person doesn’t have to be complicated. Just remember to be kind, patient, helpful, grateful, and forgiving and you’re well on your way to making the world a better place.