What are the causes of marital problems?

There are several reasons for marital problems, including:

1- Lack of communication skills: Inability to communicate effectively and properly can lead to the escalation of problems and complications.

2- Incompatibility in goals and visions: Both partners should have similar visions and goals to achieve stability and happiness in their married life.

3- Lack of respect and appreciation: Respect and appreciation are fundamental to a marital relationship, and the absence of them can lead to accumulating anger and frustration.

4- Lack of understanding: Inability to understand and empathize with one's partner makes it difficult to overcome conflicts and solve problems.

5- Lack of trust: Trust is the foundation of a marital relationship, and the absence of trust can lead to doubt and suspicion, escalating the problems.

6- Sexual communication issues: Different sexual desires and a lack of communication and understanding about them can complicate matters and increase conflicts.

7- Differences in values and beliefs: Differences in values and beliefs can lead to an escalation of problems between partners and make it difficult to find common ground and understanding.

8- Lack of dialogue and understanding: Inability to engage in effective dialogue and understanding can complicate matters and exacerbate problems.

9- External pressures: External pressures from work, family, or society can negatively affect the marital relationship, increasing stress and conflicts.
